STELLAR SUPERSTARS: Meet Alexandra Davis, L.Ac
Read on as Alexandra shares her story....
"As an acupuncturist, herbalist and Chinese medicine practitioner I support teens and adults with health problems and symptoms that aren't being resolved by mainstream medical care. Chinese medicine offers wise alternatives to mainstream medical approaches and serves as excellent supplementation and additional support to the medical care that people are already receiving, especially if some health issues or symptoms remain unsolved. We are so lucky as a community to have multiple healing modalities to choose from to meet our needs and my medical practice is a place that people can turn to for reliable support, intelligent answers and caring interactions and treatments.
As a teenager I experienced major health problems that were undiagnosed by our family doctor and had no explanation for about 10 years. These health problems were limiting my life more and more each year. Ultimately, it was a Chinese medicine doctor, acupuncturist and herbalist who was able to understand what was happening with my health, treat me effectively and lead me to health. I can't imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn't had Chinese medicine to solve the puzzle of my health that was totally mystifying mainstream doctors. So, I am forever grateful and I feel very passionate about bringing Chinese medicine, acupuncture and herbal treatment to other teens and adults who are going through something similar. It works, it helps, it changes lives. "
To learn more about Alexandra, visit www.